Friday, September 24, 2010

蕭亞軒 - 錯的人

明知道愛情並不牢靠 但是我還是拼命往裡跳
明知道再走可能是監牢 但是我還是相信只是煎熬
朋友都勸我不要不要 不要拿自己的幸福開玩笑
但是做人已經那麼累 假惺惺的想要逃
在愛裡連真心都不能給 這才真的真正的可笑
愛得太真 太容易 讓自己犧牲 太容易讓自己沉淪
太容易 不顧一切 滿是傷痕
我太笨 明知道你是錯的人 明知道這不是緣分

可能 在愛裡面這樣算笨
可能 永遠沒有所謂永恆
但是我 不願放棄這裡面一點點可能
愛得太真 太容易 讓自己犧牲 太容易讓自己沉淪
太容易 不顧一切 滿是傷痕
我太笨 明知道你是錯的人 明知道這不是緣分
我太笨 明知道你是錯的人 明知道這不是緣分

Friday, September 17, 2010

i'm back!

spent my holiday in Sichuan, China
somehow disappointed due to the changed of location
hoping to go again in the future, backpacking

two weeks holiday gone
so nice to have my phone in silent mode for two weeks in my beg
so nice to stay away from books and laptop for two weeks
so nice to stay away from seeing people for two weeks
so nice to meet new friends
so nice to keep my mind free for two weeks
argh, gotta face the reality again

curfew curfew curfew
i mean it, CURFEW!
so, don't ask me out unless you think that outing is so important or YOU are so important that i won't reject
important outing/people in my very own definition:
- gathering
- you know whether you are important or not... lol =)

ps: sorry ya guys, no souvenier, didn't get to shopping, spend most of the time on top of the mountain and bus.

Saturday, September 4, 2010