Saturday, August 28, 2010



詞:黃明志 曲:張捷惟 / 蘇俊元

去年夏天不寂寞 你的歡笑陪著我- 光良
乘著風聽你 編織著夢 - 張棟樑
徜徉在一片豐收 - 易桀齊

當雨不再浪漫害羞 當風不再輕輕送 - 張智成
藍藍的天又 深鎖眉頭 - 方炯賓
你害怕 你惶恐 不知所措 - 張棟樑

朋友別再哭了 就算世界變化再多 - 光良
還有我 在身後 奮不顧身的挽救 - 林宇中
朋友你還有我 在為你默默的加油 - 龔柯允

抓著我 的雙手 如果你還在顫抖 - 林建輝
天會藍 雨會停 我陪你走 - 張棟樑

當雨不再浪漫害羞 當風不再輕輕送 - 光良
藍藍的天又 深鎖眉頭- 張棟樑
你害怕 你惶恐 不知所措 - 張智成

朋友別再哭了 就算世界變化再多 - 方炯賓
還有我 在身後 奮不顧身的挽救 - 林建輝
朋友你還有我 在為你默默的加油 - 易桀齊
抓著我 的雙手 如果你還在顫抖- 林宇中
天會藍 雨會停 我陪你走 - 方炯賓+ 龔柯允 (Karen)

彩虹躲在山的那頭 光線就在雲的背後 - 張棟樑
我在雨中 陪你守候 - 林宇中
包紮了今天的傷痛 擦乾眼淚勇敢振作- 光良
明年夏天 有你有我 - 龔柯允+張棟樑

朋友別再哭了 就算世界變化再多 - 光良
還有我 在身後 奮不顧身的挽救-合唱
朋友你還有我 在為你默默的加油-合唱

抓著我 的雙手 如果你還在顫抖-合唱
天會藍 雨會停 我陪你走 -合唱

天會藍 雨會停 我陪你走- 光良

Friday, August 27, 2010

check list

- Monetary test
- Econometrics tutorial
- E-view data

-mug for International trade test

- International trade test
- Statistical Inferens assignment
- fyp

- fyp meeting

- Monetary assignment

- relaxxxxxxx

- summit data for student assistant job


Sunday, August 22, 2010


Saturday, August 21, 2010


just back from Joint Installation Dinner for District S and H
JID is a kind of annual dinner/acknowledge ceremony to introduce new committee members
and so, i appear, as a small committee
i actually sacrificed something really important to attend this dinner
and, what a bad day!
i woke up with my eye swollen
and i nearly decided not to attend
but, at last, i decided to seek for doctor
and see if it will get better
and yeahh!
it did, at least you can't really see that my eye is swollen if you didn't notice
but still, couldn't apply any makeup and wear contact lens
good for me, lazy girl.
well, a special experience for me
next year,
i can't be sure that i will still be able to attend
but at least, i can tell myself
'i was there, before.'

alright, gotta count how many pins on my head and gotta sleep early..
see... told you guys i am good girl... =P

i ain't crying

got a swollen eye
doctor: you wear contact lens?
me: noarrr.. (but i planning to wear tonight worrr...)
doctor: ok, don't wear, sleep more, don't face your pc too long.
me: hmmm.... oo... (got dinner tonight worrr..)
doctor(look at my mom): make sure you force your daughter to sleep early!

ps: ok. no contact lens and no makeup on eyes. =P.
nan de i feel like to wear, nevermind, save my time~~
ps: hooray!!! no books !! (doctor said don't stress my eyes too much ma..)
by the way, still have to do econometrics....

fyi. i ain't crying.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

ginael is still gina =P

still remember what my colleagues said when they saw me eating Rocky
'wah, Chun Hooi, lu xiang ka gina lo, ko jiak Rocky ar?'
wonder what will happen when they see me eat this
childish people got childish eating habit

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

random (minimo)

a pic taken using my 'almost-forgotten' minimo
(original photo without edit)

ps: that is not my key, i don't know whose. =P
ps: it seems like the lomo effect is not strong enough

It's 9.25, and i still do nothing but looking at the stupid rabbit.
To check out whether it is still blinking.
Nah! i ain't WAITING for it to blink
though i look like one
just to check out whether it is in 'ok' condition
ok? i mean it won't blink like insane.

ps: it doesn't look like a normal rabbit, i know.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

继续-给15岁的自己 刘若英

知道嗎 我總是惦記 十五歲不快樂的你
我多想 把哭泣的你 摟進我懷裏
不確定 自己的形狀 動不動就和世界碰撞
那些傷 我終於為你 都一一撫平

那一年最難的習題 也不過短短的幾行筆記
現在我卻總愛回憶 回憶當時不服輸的你

天空 會不會雨停 會不會放晴
會不會是我忘記 還能勇敢地去淋雨
我們繼續走下去 繼續往前進
感覺累了的時候 抱著我們的真心
靜靜 好好地休息

這些年 我還算可以 至少都對得起自己
謝謝你 是你的單純 給了我指引
遇見過 很多很多人 完成了一些些事情
你一定 還無法想象 多精彩過癮

誰說人生是公平的 它才不管我們想要怎樣
很感激 你那麽倔強 我才能變成今天這樣

我們繼續走下去 繼續往前進
我們想去的地方 一定也有人很想去
我們都不要放棄 都別說灰心
感覺累了的時候 請你把我的手握緊

沒有地圖 人生只能憑著手上的夢想 Oh~
循著它的光 曲折轉彎找到有光的地方
Lalala Lalala Lalala 那年的夢想
Lalala Lalala Lalala 人要有夢想
勇敢的夢想 瘋狂的夢想

繼續走下去 繼續往前進
路旁有花 心中有歌 天上有星
我們要去的那裏 一定有最美麗的風景
Oh~ 都不要放棄 都別說灰心
痛到想哭的時候 就讓淚水洗掉委屈
我們要相信自己 永遠都相信
我們做過的事情 都會留在人心裏

有一天 我將會老去 希望你會覺得滿意
我沒有 對不起那個 十五歲的自己

Thursday, August 12, 2010

in travel mood~~

as i said before, air asia make people茶饭不思
haveb been fighting for cheap air ticket for 3 days
finally got everythng settled

and now,
it is time to save money

Sunday, August 8, 2010


just back from mne very first bbq gathering..
i don't have any photo except those taken during or 'shopping' session
gotta post it in facebook soon ....

thanks you guys for spending your time to attend
sorry for (........)
